Turkish Ministry of Transport
İstanbul Local Traffic Control Center (LTCC)
Developed under EU Twinning Programme, İstanbul Local Traffic Control Center is installed on 2009 in order to monitor and manage the heavy local marine traffic on İstanbul Strait and North Marmara Sea. Within project, 3 Traffic Monitoring Station (TMS) and 1 Traffic Control Center (TCC) were installed on specific locations which are determined according to system coverage area maximization.
TCC was established in Istanbul Karaköy by taking in the consideration of strategic positioning that enables monitoring significant part of actual marine traffic by naked eye. In TCC, operator consoles provide the following main facilities to system operators;
TCC was established in Istanbul Karaköy by taking in the consideration of strategic positioning that enables monitoring significant part of actual marine traffic by naked eye. In TCC, operator consoles provide the following main facilities to system operators;
• Actual Marine Traffic (gathered by AIS stations)
• Instant Video (provided by IP cameras)
• Meteorological and Oceanographic Data(MOS)
• VHF Radio